Monday, August 11, 2014

Munchen Ist Bunt

At a rally held by The Freedom Party (Die Freiheit Partei), an allegedly nationalist, populist party, who holds regular speeches and demonstrations in Munich's city center.  The speeches appear inciteful and allegedly distort the history of National Socialism, the political Left, and the White Rose movement, according to protestors.

Incidentally, only a couple weeks before, at the same location (Karlsplatz), two police officers threatened me with arrest as I was taking pictures of the Freedom Party's demonstration with my phone.  Their reasoning: "photos and video can be put on the internet and on youtube" and they indicated specifically that this directive of photography and video being forbidden came from the city council.

In attendence with the Freedom Party was at least one member of the German Defence League, a partner organization with the English Defence League, among others.

Ironically, the German Defence League's name is not represented in German.

A counter-demonstrator against the Freedom Party.


Kein Mensch here
Münster: Keinenmeter here
Prinzipalmarkt, Münster here
Sang here